San Juan Del Rio
Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Help with Our Youth Group
At San Juan Del Rio, we are blessed with a large number of teens participating in our youth group,
but of course this means we are always in need of help! Please read below about the various
ways you can get involved with SJDR Youth.

Join Core Team
How can you help our teens??
Teens need adults and young adults to be examples of faith in their lives - for this we have our Core Team. At SJDR, our Core Team assist the youth directors in a variety of ways and you help discern what is the best fit. From youth nights, to discipleship groups, to retreats we find what fits your gifts, the needs of the youth, and your time.
If you are 21 + and are interested in joining our Core Team, please contact our youth directors!
Please note: All Core Team members must be certified in Protecting God's Children and have an up-to-date diocese background check.
Safety Environment
For more information about SJDR Safety Environment, please contact: JACK KLEES
Click links below for DOSA Clearance Instructions

Chaperone an Event
Want a chance to see your faith grow deeper while helping our teens? Become a chaperone for Youth Group events and trips!!
Our Steubenville Trips, High School and Middle School retreats, lock-ins, and diocese events all have opportunities for you to chaperone.
If you are interested in becoming a youth group event chaperone, please contact our youth directors!
Please note: All chaperones must be certified in Protecting God's Children and have an up-to-date diocese background check.

Our youth group does not have dues or cost of any kind to the children who attend our meetings. For that reason we are incredibly thankful for those who help us continue to finance our ministry.
If you are interested in making a more specific donation, please click the link below. Thank you!